Going through the phoenix north mountains. Nice cloud cover sure to get hot later !
Feeling great just refilled coffee too a break !
a bicycle commuter and camper blog
Going through the phoenix north mountains. Nice cloud cover sure to get hot later !
Feeling great just refilled coffee too a break !
40 miles so far around cherry creek lake . Up the cherry creek trail to downtown.. down the platte river trail. Now bear creek trail. Very nice but for saturday racers ... lol...
Having a great day still cloud cover a spit of rain. Other side of south mountain here.. 38 mi down maybe 15 to home... wind of course shifted againstme haha whats news about that !😁
What perfect conditions. Heavy cloud cover nice breeze 85 and a little humid... feel like I could just keep riding like forrest gump... til I get to mexico.. then turn around and head for canada ! Lol nice day...