Sunday, September 22, 2024

Friday Sep 20 - Murska Sobota Slovenia to Letenye Hungary

 This was a very frustrating day as i never found the Amazon of Europe trail… not all day, but i was happy to be riding not raining so lots of roads and lots of miles, I think i crossed the trail in Lendava but it is so confusing the D5, R3, EuroVelo 13, and i was looking for the R2…. Or Amazon of Europe trail but no luck all day. So i shared the road with cars and trucks all day and they drive fast here but always a safe distance, well unless there’s a car coming on they mostly don’t slow down much so they get a little closer then, glad to have a rear view mirror and see these things coming, inch over to the side a few more inches, mostly no shoulder but almost all the little towns have bike/pedestrian paths alongside the main road so you get a chance to slow down and relax a bit then…. 

Anyway, finally found Letenye which was kind of funny all day i said to myself now tomorrow you are going to plan your route better this is nuts. So i cruised around Letenye looking for signs of the trail no luck, and no luck with a cheeseburger joint either tho it was advertised and some advertised “hamburger strips” i thought well I’ll see what for a hotel if they have dinner maybe. And again what had been recommended the Radics Panzio was the only place in town, so well it was only 4 pm or so i thought I’ll study the map and go preview this trail see how it looks, and if it’s good I’ll go another couple hours to a bigger place with more options… 

Cycle.Travel showed the R3, D12, and EuroVelo 13 paths all converging across the border and the Drava river in Croatia, so I rode over there 4-5 miles and went a little way on each trail, a couple paved, one gravel, and there next to the signpost was an Amazon of Europe bike trail sticker, but which direction? lol obviously south the river should be flowing but right there the paths are not by the river so… well i found them I’m booking that Radic Panzio and going there for dinner and now I’ve seen the trails i will sort out which one and which direction later. 

Had a great dinner at the Panzio, choices were hugarian goulash, gypsy pork, and others that were’nt as appealing so i had the Gypsy pork i asked the guy what it well done? Yes of course, and it was, served on top of fries. The front desk clerk was also the barman and waiter, he is from India but works here in Hungary because he makes many times more money than he could in india, his family is all there and he’s going home for 2 months holiday end of the season (Oct 22). 

Nice old hotel, kind of worn the reviews say, dated, but charming as heck, room had a patio outside the French doors with just green wall there in front of you vines and some trees very lush, 

Good shower, good dinner, good sleep. Breakfast was a little sparse in selection i had read in the reviews but they had muesli and orange juice, fizzy kind i like, good hot strong coffee, scrambled eggs sweet rolls bread i ate big knowing it’d be another long day in the saddle and hot well, 70-75 and full sun, which it was all day. But that’s Saturday… when I’ll be all caught up!!!

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