Sunday, September 22, 2024

Thursday Sep 19 - Graz Austria to Murska Sobota Slovenia

 The R2 Mura bicycle trail runs from the source of the Mura in a national park north of Graz. It was cold with light rain and i left my apartment and went the couple blocks to get on the trail. I was very happy to find it mostly (90%) paved, and well signed. And so went a good day by mid morning the rain had held off and a nice tailwind pushed me southward. The trail did have some windy parts going around cornfields, looks a lot like Illinois i kept telling myself. 

Nothing eventful happened all day which was nice, i had packed up my remaining bread and cheese sandwiches so that and a convenience store protein shake and some juice made for a nice lunch. 

The miles flew by and i felt good, decided I’d stop about 3 and pick my destination, thought 50 miles would be good but with the tailwind and good roads or paved path, i soon passed that and pulled into Murska Sobota about 5pm, needing 1 item badly, that being NIvea creme which i use for saddle crème and it also helps with any type of skin probs. I asked the young lady checking me out where could i get a good cheeseburger and fries! She turned around and pointed out the window, past that restaurant with outdoor seating, there is fast food with red umbrellas, go there. And i did, well, it was a gyro place but the guy seemed to understand my order, lol later i found out from his coworker he didn’t understand any English. So it was a good I’ll call it a giro burger, and there was no cheese, but the fries were great and i waited with a cold Goat beer (Lasko) while he got it together and served me at my outdoor table on one of the main roundabouts of town. Lots of big wide sidewalks and pedestrian spaces i made a video which shows it quite clearly. Just an amazing nice feeling town, huge Central Park full of people, people walking biking everywhere and as this was Slovenia bike lanes and bike traffic signals at most major intersections. Cars yield to pedestrians and bicycles at ALL CROSSWALKS, and there are many. 

As i waited and then ate my meal i browsed for a place to stay also looked at air b n b but not many around there. uses, which brought up the same hotel my Amazon of Europe travel planner had recommended, when i thought i would book the full package trip. Hotel Strk, so went there tho it was about 3 miles out of town, it was a great find, big place old time decor and furnishings, had a zoo and a camping area, a day spa. So having had dinner it was just check in shower and oh there was a stocked frig in the room, beer,, wine, brandy, water, juice, coke, so one more goat beer to finish the day and lights out. 

One interesting thing over here, you don’t pay when you are served, you pay after, even pumping gas nope pump it first then go in and pay. Dinner at the fast food counter, same way. Ended up with 77 miles riding so i would sleep real good. 

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