Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tuesday Sep 24 - Harkany Hungary

 It’s really a smallish town, besides the spa and water park, hotels and restaurants there’s not too much to see, I walked around most of the town today in a few hours, went and checked out the spa, where i had planned to go, but a couple things, poor reviews about the service and conditions, and no bathing suit got me to double think that. Oh there’s a shop outside the entry that has bathing suits, $40 for basic, $55 for a speedo type… I’m like well that’s a bit pricy for a hot bath, maybe I’ll just have a hot shower and stretch a while, and find a cheaper suit up the line and bathe in Budapest or elsewhere later. 

The massage service also had poor reviews so, you have to buy your ticket pay in advance then you are at their mercy so no i decided to look for a local massage person, and found one, but she is all booked up today and tomorrow, tho she recommended me to her friend Agnes, who does have an hour free tomorrow at 530 pm. So i booked that oh and the price 4500 forints…. Which amounts to about $12.50 in dollars, for an hour. So i feel good about deciding against the high priced bath, and then after i left there walking through a park next door they had all kinds of workout equipment which i spent about 20 minutes on so it’s all good. It must be an EU initiative to promote healthy living walking paths and these things, I have seen them in many towns that look to be otherwise too poor to pay for it. 

So i came “home” cooked bulgar wheat and put it over salad and eating early so i can go for a little spin on my bike after wards, not in bike clothes just gym shorts and a t-shirt. Might ride a bit tomorrow my legs are fine and itching to go but massage tomorrow afternoon and Thursday will be a long day turning north and getting on to the EuroVelo 6 about Mohacs, hope to make it to Baja which is a river city nice old wellness hotel on the river supposed to be nice for breakfast on the terrace overlooking the river. Weather forecast is rain tomorrow, clear Thursday with a southwest to southeast wind so… tailwind! 

Got laundry all done I’m good for another 3-4 days riding, hope get to Budapest Saturday. Hope for another long stay there 3-4 days see the sights and the castle outside of town 16 miles where the guy nobleman has his extensive clothing collection kept intact, i gotta see that closet lol how many jackets, how many pairs of shoes… lol lol….

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