Monday, October 7, 2024

Monday Oct 7 - Maria Taferl Austria to Linz Austria

 Well that hill was a scream coming down i was worried the brakes wouldn’t hold up but they did fine. The sign said Radfarrer Vorsicht! 15% grade… it was too dangerous to film but next trip i will get a helmet cam. 

Had a big breakfast rode like the wind, i thot I’d have weak legs today after 78 mi yesterday but nope, just first half hour or so a little weary then i was smoking all day… got here to Linz by 4:00 63 miles. Now it’s two nights here, rest day tomorrow laundry to do and thai massage, and I’ll buy a new chain for the bike too that’s worrying me, it’s been wet and rusty and twisted so why risk it get a new one. And then Wednesday will be the end of the planned tour up to Passau, Germany. Have to figure out what to do with the 3 spare days i have then, before going back to Munich, may just follow the EV6 route towards France. 

But today well more of the same beautiful scenery close by the river most of the way on separate smooth asphalt path. Some sharing the roads which were busy with trucks on Monday, but here, unlike USA, where they are supposed to give you 3 feet and not many do, here it’s 1.5 meters, 5 feet, and most do, especially big trucks and buses, which there are a lot of the buses as trains are still messed up all over due to the flooding damage of a few weeks ago. Oh had a little drama that white little square on the ground I was going across a bridge heard a swack oh shoot, what was that? My battery pack I’ve used every single day almost flung into the water guess I didn’t zip the zipper all the way on the handlebar bag… 

Now as i got close to Linz Mauthausen just rang a bell couldn’t say why til i got here. I spring for a nice hotel on the main hauptplatz since reviews on booking were poor for cheap places glad it did the hotel wolfinger is only 3 star, but it’s one of those old places charming as can be, cobblestone passageway below, where the bike storeroom is, take the stairs up to reception, no elevator, then down a long passageway which is outdoors but a courtyard kind of, to the room. Well, so this is Hitlers home town, he gave his first speech here on this square in March 1938, then next day, the mayor and newspaper editor were shot dead. And the rest you know, except now Mauthausen, was the first death camp, first place they tried out their sordid ideas how best to torture and kill people… so that’s why that name was familiar. The bridge I rode across to get here Hitler had built, anyway, it’s not publicized much, where his grade school is (it’s still here somewhere) etc… but i must say it is a beautiful city, pedestrian friendly, trams every couple minutes, little passageways between buildings, alleyways leading to parks and squares…a college town lots of young people, and riding in, there’s beautiful greenways on both sides of the river, old tree line walking and biking paths on one side, open modern public space on the other, and since it was sunny 62 today there were people out everywhere. 

Beer vending machines are all over the place in Austria, the legal age to drink and smoke is 16 so it’s not enforced very much, vending machines for both can be found pretty easily. they have one in the lobby here which well 4.50 euro is kind of steep but it’s handy to grab on on the way to the room. There about 1.50 in the store and most beer here is .5 liters 19 oz… tho they do have ,33 l 11 oz as well. 

Ok well it’s late for me about 200 miles the last 3 days so I’ll upload a few pics from today. 

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