Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Tuesday Oct 1 - Budapest to Esztegom Hungary

 It was a long wet muddy slog today, got out of Budapest OK and did ok for about 20km, then, ev6 impassable water over the trail looked to be about a foot deep no end in sight, so, on the road til past God, that’s really the name, with two dots over the o. Making good time toward Vac, when about 4km before, mud started, the path was all paved, which was a good thing, the mud could only be so thick but it was hard underneath, so i kept rolling, and it got wetter, and deeper, and clogged up my brakes and the wheels and pretty soon everything i was slowed down, the mud got thicker and flump, down i go. Well luckily when you have loaded panniers that’s what hits the ground hard and keeps the bike up a little, so i hoisted it up and started again did ok for a while, the path dried up some, there was a car tire track i rode in for a while, then, it all got deeper and wetter again and flump again. 

By now the wheels were so gummed up i couldn’t get going at all, so i was walking, and it was slick as you can imagine. And leaves and sticks were stuck up in between the tires and the frames, the spokes and brakes were coated, it was such a mess. So I pushed it carefully so not to slip and fall, for probably 1.5-2 km it was a long time. Finally, reaching Vac, it dried out, and I came to a barrier, they had a path closed barrier, if your were going north to south, of course the Vac city workers were clearing the path of mud and sandbags there, as the path goes through a city park. But since I was going south to north, out in no mans land there was no closure sign there…

Shortly through town, there was a boat launch landing on the river, so i pulled over there and took everything off the bike and laid it in the river and cleaned off all the mud, well as much as i could in about 45 minutes. Then i set off again and was making pretty good time but there was some more mud, not too much, then the path was submerged again the path was closed, and it was back on the road sharing with cars zooming by. 

The path came alongside again, I was about 20km to my destination for the night, and the path led to a ferry landing. Supposed to cross here, but no ferry it’s still closed due to high river. So back on the road again sharing with cars zooming by. 

After a while the path was visible again and i rode it to about 7 km from Sturovo, which Esztegom is just across the river from, then there was water on the path, about a foot deep, for maybe 200 meters, so i had no choice well i could have gone back the several kms and shared the road again, but i stuck it out and made it through, shoes soaked and pants pretty far up. By now it was starting to get dark, and the path was again flooded, and dumped me out onto the road, which was fine with me, it was starting to get dark and I had enough mud and water crossing for the day, and shortly after i rode into Sturovo,not getting on the sidewalk path nope staying on the dang road til i get to my hotel. It was getting dark and chilly and i was chilled my feet and wet legs i had no other dry shoes so get to the hotel as soon as possible was my idea. 

So I crossed the bridge, by the way Sturovo is a spa town, and it’s Slovakia, so i was in Slovakia for a while. Found the hotel in Esztegom and checked in, muddy bags clothes and all, got wet stuff off and a hot shower, dry clothes and rode into the town center didn’t see much but a Gyro Falalfel place so good enough i got dinner and rode back, and of course on the way I cut through old town to avoid traffic it being dark by now, and saw a few nice restaurants in the pedestrian section of town. 

It’s supposed to rain the next two or three days, so… i hate to be a party pooper, but there are trains from Sturovo to Bratislava, which is still 2 days ride 160 km or so, away. So IF the trains take bikes that’s my plan, I’ll get to Bratislava tomorrow and stay two or three nights til the rain is over, then continue on to Vienna and so on. Cuz what I’ve seen of the EV6 is not fun, tho there were some awesome vistas today of the river and hills and a castle and fortress across the way, the hassle of the mud and trail closures isn’t worth it. I may just get to Vienna and take a train back to Munich, put my bike in storage, and take the trains to Prague and Poland, every city here has rental bikes and i have already done more than 700 miles in just over two weeks, and

my legs are getting a little weary, but i can still continue my exploration of new places. Well as they say, we will see what tomorrow brings… 

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